Born into the Royal House of Dotawo, and named Djoel after his father the king, Prometheus was just a boy when his desert homeland was invaded by the Funj. This pagan tribe from the marshes of southern Sudan swiftly conquered the last Christian kingdom of Nubia and to secure an alliance with the Muslim Turks, recent conquerors of Egypt, their leader converted to Islam.Now a fugitive in his own country, the rightful heir to Dotawo's throne sought refuge in a desert monastery and after his father was killed fighting the Funj, his son continued the struggle. Having taken an oath not to use his royal name until the hated Funj were defeated, the tall and powerfully built Djoel II adopted the nom de guerre Prometheus but on the point victory this new Titan was betrayed and sold into slavery. For two years Prometheus toiled in Turkish galley but he escaped to England where he eked out a living in the boxing booths of Southwark.